Saturday, May 17, 2008

High School Prom

Shooting high school prom is sorta like shooting a bloody car crash. While I’m shooting, I keep asking myself, “can we even print this?” But in then end, you find moments that express the excitement and fun that comes with prom. You just have to suck it up and know you aren’t a perv for taking pictures of high school kids kissing. For select songs (the one's that talk about grinding and touching your toes and such) you just put your camera down and wait for the next song to start.

Nikon D3 with 50mm f1.4, 2500 ISO, f1.4 at 1/125 of a sec

Like in any event-based assignment you find your groove and stick with it until you’ve made that image, and then move on. I don’t like shooting with flash. First, I don’t like the look of flash. But more importantly, it ruins the moment. You only get one chance with flash, then everyone knows what you’re doing.

Nikon D3 with 50mm f1.4, 1600 ISO, f1.4 at 1/250 of a sec

It’s easy finding some close couples during a slow song. So I tried the more rambunctious kids. I think “Mr. Brightside” from The Killers was playing at this point. This was our song, Nick.

Nikon D3 with 50mm f1.4, 2500 ISO, f1.4 at 1/80 of a sec

This is my second-to-last day at the South Bend Tribune. My last assignment tomorrow will be covering the Notre Dame graduation. Seems fitting.

This image has nothing to do with prom, but I shot it earlier today and will probably never get run. Favorite of the week.

Nikon D3 with 28-70mm f2.8 at 38mm. 2000 ISO f2.8 at 1/200 of a sec

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